Non-Discrimination Policy



在波胆网站,平等机会和平权行动是就业和教育不可或缺的一部分,因为我们认识到,大学现在和未来的优势主要基于人才和他们的技能, experience, and potential to develop, no matter what their 比赛, color, religion, 性别, sexual orientation, 性别 identity or expression, national origin, 年龄, disability, veteran status, marital status, or any other legally protected status. The University will not tolerate any form of discrimination on these bases (i.e., 比赛, national origin, disability) including different treatment, 并禁止对提出歧视投诉或参与此类投诉调查的人进行报复.

Additional Details

在波胆网站,平等机会和平权行动是就业和教育不可或缺的一部分,因为我们认识到,大学现在和未来的优势主要基于人才和他们的技能, experience, and potential to develop. The University has a policy of equal opportunity employment, educational opportunities, admissions, 以及范围广泛并得到大学各级支持的平权行动. 

In accordance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Chatham does not discriminate on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, 在其就业实践或其教育计划或活动中的性别认同或表达. The University also prohibits sex discrimination, including sexual harassment, as part of its education programs or activities. Reports of misconduct, questions regarding Title IX, 对违规行为的担忧应直接向第九条协调员提出.

The President’s office, with the assistance of the Human Resources office, 会否监察以确保大学的平权行动政策得到遵守.

Chatham University has adopted this policy on a strictly voluntary basis. 本政策的存在不应被解释为大学的全部或部分录取, 事实上,受保护群体的成员一直或目前没有得到充分利用, concentrated, 或被大学以任何方式歧视,违反联邦法律, state or local fair employment practice laws. 

General Procedure for Discrimination Grievances:

  1. 投诉人必须填写一份保密的事件报告表格,通知负责教职员工的人力资源助理副校长,或 Vice President of Student Affairs for 学生s for any allegation. 表单上的信息有助于这些管理员提供有关流程的指导. If the allegation does not meet the definition of discrimination, 然后可以将其提交给所有各方的联合会议,以便进行教育/恢复工作.     
  1. 申诉者应首先与他/她/他们的导师非正式地讨论申诉, department chair, 作出有争议的决定的直接主管或办公室或团体. 双方将讨论不满,并试图在非正式的基础上达成解决方案. 这一非正式程序应在指称的申诉发生后不超过三个星期内进行. If the grievant does not feel comfortable with this step, go to Step 3. 理想情况下,在事件发生后三周内报告并开始调查是一个目标. 我们理解,由于事件的性质,员工或学生可能需要额外的时间来报告,我们将根据具体情况对这些事件进行审查.    
  1. 如果投诉人对非正式申诉程序的结果不满意或宁愿跳过第二步, 他/她/他们可以向负责学生事务的副校长申诉学生提出的申诉,或者向负责人力资源的助理副校长申诉教职员工提出的申诉. For this appeal, grievance will be written. 被投诉人还将提交一份书面声明,详细说明非正式程序的事件及其对申诉的回应. 这些材料应在非正式程序后两周内提交. 在审阅了书面材料和与每个相关方分别举行的会议之后, 适当的行政官将在会议结束后一周内就此事向所有各方作出书面决定. 
  1. 如果投诉人对有关行政人员的决定不满意, he/she/they may appeal, within one week, to the Interim Chief Operations Officer for staff,或 Interim Chief Academic Officer for faculty and 学生s, 谁将审查申诉的全部记录,并在会议结束后一周内以书面形式向各方作出最后裁决.    

大学既不会参与也不会容忍对任何投诉非法歧视的人进行任何形式的非法报复, harassment or retaliation, serves as a witness or otherwise participates in the investigatory process.  As with all other provisions of this policy, 所有员工都受到这一规定的保护,同时在他们的行为方面也受到限制. 被禁止的报复行为将在本政策下以与任何其他违反本政策的行为相同的方式处理,并受到纪律处分/纠正措施.  

If Chatham determines that unlawful discrimination or harassment has occurred, 将根据所涉及的情况立即采取适当的纠正措施, in order to address the discriminatory conduct of the grievant and others, if needed.  查塔姆还将采取措施并实施纠正措施政策,以防止任何歧视的再次发生. Any officer, 经理, supervisor, faculty member employee, 代理, 学生, or other non-employee who, after appropriate investigation, has been found to have eng年龄d in unlawful discrimination, 骚扰或报复和/或不符合本政策的不当行为(即使不是非法的)将受到适当的纪律处分和/或纠正措施,包括, but not limited to, demotion, relinquishing leadership roles such as a committee chair, suspension without pay, 及/或终止他/她/他们的雇佣或与大学的其他关系.  

Any grievant also has the right to file a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, in Washington D.C., Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission,或 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.  

1972年《波胆网站》第九条禁止在接受联邦财政援助的教育项目和活动中存在性别歧视. Click here for information on Chatham's Title IX Policies, Resources and Reporting Procedures.  

波胆网站(“查塔姆”或“大学”)的荣誉守则规定了一套学生行为和行为标准,这些标准以波胆网站使命和价值观声明以及波胆网站其他政策和规则中体现的价值观为基础. Click here for information and to report potential violations of the 学生 honor code.

For assistance/guidance navigating this policy:

For Students:
Office of Student Affairs at or (412) 365-1286.

For 教师/Staff:
Office of Human Resources at or (412) 365-1847

For all University Affiliates:
Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at